Bevissthet er en kvalitet som gjør at du når målene dine raskere!

Fart er kvalitet, få verktøyene, strategiene og støtten fra en høyt utdannet resultatorientert coach, og opplev store endringer i økonomien, livet og relasjonene dine.

Få varige og holdbare resultater!

Morten Nygårds coachingmetode går dypt. Den strategiske og målbare coachingen er basert på CTI-modellen. Den gir deg dypere innsikt strategier og veilednings teknikker som virker. Du vil få full klarhet på dine mål, lage en handlingsplan for å oppnå dem, og ha ansvarlighet og drivkraft som sikrer resultater.

Enten det gjelder forretninger, helse, økonomi eller relasjoner, er dette måten du får den fordelen du trenger for virkelig endringer.

Føl deg fri til å gjøre dine valg

Få klarhet og se mot stjernene

Vær klar på hvem du er og hvor du vil med den du er. Se mot stjernene.

Våkne opp og vær klar for dagen

Ta vare på energien din, utforsk disiplin og rytme for å få bedre resultater.

Bli en målbevisst leder

Bli fokusert gjennom å sette intensjoner som forankrer målet i team og organisasjon.

Tenn gnisten i forholdet

Bygg dypere og bedre realsjoner med andre gjennom inspirasjon og engasjement

Create a map for the future

Gå gjennom hvor du kommer fra og sett opp det nye kartet.

Få et helt nytt kompass

Lær hvordan endrer gamle mønster til nye og bedre vaner gjennom et helt nytt kompass.

With the right guidance,
anything is possible

If you want access to the same techniques and methodologies Tony uses for the world’s best athletes, entertainers, and business people, a Tony Robbins Results Coach is your answer.

Whether you’re looking to reach a financial goal, find a life partner, or anything in between, they’re ready to help you get the results you’re looking for.
Get a free 30-minute strategy session
Your time is now. Connect with a Tony Robbins Results Coach today

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What is Tony Robbins Results Coaching, and how does it work?
Tony Robbins Results Coaching is a personalized coaching program designed to help you achieve breakthroughs in all aspects of your life. You’ll work one-on-one with a coach who will help you bridge the gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. With tailored strategies, goal setting, and action plans, your coach will help you overcome challenges and achieve your full potential.
The most successful people in the world—athletes, CEOs, entrepreneurs and even Tony—have one thing in common: They have coaches. They work with coaches because they know that even at their best, they can reach new levels with the right guidance. Results Coaching will help you optimize your life, identify blind spots, and accelerate your progress toward your biggest dreams and goals.

Results Coaches are the only coaches in the world trained in Tony Robbins’ proprietary techniques and methodologies, which have helped millions of people all over the world change their lives forever. They have diverse backgrounds in areas like psychology, business, health, and personal development, and much more. Each coach completes 250 hours of training in Robbins Success System tools and strategies, so they can help you unleash your own personal power.

Results Coaches are the only coaches in the world trained in Tony Robbins’ proprietary techniques and methodologies, which have helped millions of people all over the world change their lives forever. They have diverse backgrounds in areas like psychology, business, health, and personal development, and much more. Each coach completes 250 hours of training in Robbins Success System tools and strategies, so they can help you unleash your own personal power.

Results Coaching is designed to fit into your life, not overwhelm it. Your coach will work with you to create an actionable plan that complements your schedule and priorities. Plus, the time you invest now can save you time in the long run by helping you become more focused and efficient.
Yes! Tony Robbins Results Coaching offers a complimentary breakthrough strategy session. This call allows you to conduct a deep dive in to your current challenges and goals; and the strategist will provide actionable strategies you can implement right away. It’s a great opportunity to see the value of coaching before making a longer commitment.

Get the guidance you need to create a life you love

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